How to Optimize ROI for Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

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When it comes to pay-per-click advertising, there are many things that you can optimize for, one of which includes ROI or Return on Investment. As an agency, we come across clients whose main goal is to optimize for such. So what are some of the ways you can go about this?


First, you’ll want to create an ROI Strategy. The main things to do in creating one are as follows:

  • Get a definition of what the advertiser’s ROI goal is
    You can’t really start strategizing for something unless you know what it is.
  • Get existing ROI data from the advertiser or an existing account
    You have to benchmark it against something.
  • Review the account
    Take a look over the account and identify any problem areas
  • Plan a Strategy and Optimize


The next step is to build out and expand your keyword list. If you’re using Google’s AdWords, there are some built-in keyword tools that come in handy.

  • Search Terms Report
    It helps you find relevant keywords based on actual performance, so this requires a pre-existing account
  • Keyword Tool
    A manual method to help refine and expand your list. Plug-in a keyword and it’ll turn up a list of related keywords
  • Keyword Matching
    It allows you to test your options and see how the keyword matches with your existing Ads

A key thing to keep in mind for keywords is that you want to be sure to make use of Negative Keywords, as well as trim off any duplicates and pay attention to any existing low performing keywords.

Ad Text

Now, let’s focus on the Ad Text. Some common tips for optimizing Ad Text are:

  • Use call-to-action phrases to entice people to click.
    These can include things like, “Call Now” or “Sign Up”
  • Understand the buying cycle.
    There are different stages to a potential customers’ buying cycle such as Awareness, Research, and Buying. For example, a user searching with the keyword “reviews” probably isn’t ready to buy yet versus a user searching with the keyword “order”. In that case, you may want to mix in “order” into your keyword phrases and add “reviews” to your negative keywords.
  • Choose the most relevant landing pages.
    A call-to-action on a landing page should match that of the Ad. Also, if you’re selling a specific product, it may be advantageous to point the Ad to a landing page specifically about that product.

These are just some of the things you can do to optimize your search advertising for ROI. If you’ve got some tips and secrets of your own, feel free to share in the comments.

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